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Month February 2013

Bookmarklets for Web Developers and Webmasters

Bookmarklets are short pieces of Javascript that can add useful functionality to your browser without installing any additional software on your computer. Installing a Bookmarklet Modern browsers: Simply drag and drop the link to the bookmarklet onto your browsers links bar…. Continue Reading →

Media Queries with Older Browsers

Did You Know? Media queries are part of CSS3 and allow web designers to customize CSS definitions for the layout depending on the device and screen width thereby creating a single Responsive Web Design that adapts to the visitors environment which… Continue Reading →

Using CSS to make DIV go around Float

At some point, most HTML developers end up in a situation where they use the float:right and/or float:left property and then notice that the DIV going around it isn’t wrapping the content anymore. Broken Example You can reproduce this in… Continue Reading →

Using jQuery Dropdown to Display Select Content

Here is a technique that uses jQuery to reduce the length of web pages containing repetitive formatted information. You can use it to display images as seen below or information such as people profiles. This is flexible too because the… Continue Reading →

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