Have you ever found yourself browsing the web on a smartphone and clicked on something that opened in a new tab? It is almost impossible to tell when this happens. In fact, many people don’t even realize that browsers on… Continue Reading →
I am often asked this question by other Web developers. In fact, I regularly need to figure decide which web programming languages and technologies I need to learn next as part of my life long learning. Start with Web Browser Technologies Did… Continue Reading →
For developers just getting started in Moodle development, testing and fixing 3rd party Moodle plugins which are not currently supported the latest version of Moodle is a great way to get started on your way to learning how Moodle works. These plugins… Continue Reading →
Notepad++ is a great editing tool for web developers. I know many, including myself, who use this together with Adobe Dreamweaver for their HTML development because there are just some things that Notepad++ does better than Dreamweaver including syntax colouring and HTML… Continue Reading →
Did You Know? Media queries are part of CSS3 and allow web designers to customize CSS definitions for the layout depending on the device and screen width thereby creating a single Responsive Web Design that adapts to the visitors environment which… Continue Reading →
At some point, most HTML developers end up in a situation where they use the float:right and/or float:left property and then notice that the DIV going around it isn’t wrapping the content anymore. Broken Example You can reproduce this in… Continue Reading →
Here is a technique that uses jQuery to reduce the length of web pages containing repetitive formatted information. You can use it to display images as seen below or information such as people profiles. This is flexible too because the… Continue Reading →
To create a search page for the Weaver II theme: Create a new page Set the title to Search or Search Website Set the Permalink to search Set the parent is set to (no parent) unless you want it to… Continue Reading →
Some people claim that getting getting Google Verified Authorship for your site can actually increase click throughs and even rakings. While I’m not sure about that, if there is even a chance that this is true, can you afford not… Continue Reading →
Below are examples of WCAG 2.0 compliant HTML tables. Be sure not to duplicate the table Caption and Summary as both will be read by screen readers. Simple Tables (skip to Complex Table) Here is sample source code for creating a… Continue Reading →
There are times when you will want your clients to read and accept terms and conditions before making a payment in PayPal. The great thing about the following approach is that it will work for just about any website, whether the site… Continue Reading →
When specifying the language of text or links which does not match the language of the page, the language should be specified using lang=”xx” xml:lang=”xx” where you would replace “xx”. Here is a complete list of language tags used on… Continue Reading →
Image Repository Canaidan Tourism Commission Media Centre Fotolia iStockPhoto Shutterstock Images StockFreeImages Stock.Xchng On-line Tools Photo Editor Text Comparison Tool Text QuickDiff Tool Subtitle Horse Converters Real-time HTML Editor Programming Languages ASP.Net CSS HTML Javascript SQL VB.net Search Engine Optimization… Continue Reading →
WCAG 2,0 brings with it many recommendations which are not only necessary for accessibility but much overdue when it comes to SEO. Most people don’t realize that search engines are actually blind. As such, they can’t see photos, can’t conceptualize… Continue Reading →
WC3 HTML Validation — the W3 validator — checks document mark up WAVE — Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool — web accessibility validation tool Colour Contrast Analyser 2.2 for Web Pages — helps you determine if colour contrast is sufficient AChecker accessibility tool –… Continue Reading →
YouTube Settings YouTube is actually pretty good at resizing your video to the required size. Unless you are looking for optimal quality, try simply uploading your video and see how it turns out first. Why fix something if it isn’t… Continue Reading →
Leading SEO specialists say that, although meta description and keyword tags it have little value with search engines anymore, there is still some little value which is why they themselves put meta keywords and meta description tags in their own website… Continue Reading →
An HTML file is simply a text file with an HTML filename extension like index.htm or mypage.html. A filename extension and is letters that appears after the rightmost period, in this case .htm or .html. HTML files can be edited… Continue Reading →
There are times when, instead of placing the caption to your photo below it, you might want to overlay it. You can accomplish this in a relatively simply way by first adding the following to your list of styles: And… Continue Reading →
Only in IE9 and IE10 can you find bullets that decide to join the image instead of staying with the text. In some situations, the bullets will even end up under the image leaving you wondering where they went. Cross-browser… Continue Reading →
Multilingual Website: If your website had content in more than one language, be sure to identify the default language of the page using the HTML tag itself. Example: <html xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml” xml:lang=”fr” lang=”fr”> Mixed Language in Same Page: If you have… Continue Reading →
Here is a simple technique to create as many parallel columns as you need. Unlike most solutions, this one works equally well with any number of columns as long as you can divide 100 by the number of equal columns… Continue Reading →
Here is an HTML/CSS example of how to create an inline form: LOGIN: <form action=”#” method=”get” id=”login” style=”display:inline!important;”> <label for=’User’>User:</label> <input type=’text’ name=’User’ id=’User’> <label for=’password’>Password:</label><input type=’password’ name=’password’ id=’password’> <input type=”submit” name=”log” id=”log” value=”Login” /></form> [?] The result is: LOGIN:… Continue Reading →
Here is a list of useful manuals Content Management Systems (CMS) / Websites Website Baker WordPress Programming Languages CSS HTML Javascript PHP vbScript
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