Mike's Draft Article Bin

Where my articles grow up before they go public

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Excel Formulas – Converting between double letters and numbers

Converting numbers (1, 2, 3…676) to two letters (AA, AB, AC…ZZ) in Excel Formula 1: =CHAR(65+TRUNC((A1-1)/26)) & CHAR(65+MOD(A1-1,26)) Converting two letters (AA, AB, AC…ZZ) to numbers (1, 2, 3…676) in Excel Formula 2: =(CODE(MID(B1,1,1))-65)*26 + CODE(MID(B1,2,1))-64 Example The figure bellow… Continue Reading →

Reparing Windows 7

Here are a few links to tools and help to guide you through repairing Windows 7. IMPORTANT: Use at your own risk. Always backup your computer before trying these as they can potentially make the situation worse or even impossible to use… Continue Reading →

Setting Up Pure-FTPd in Ubuntu

vsFTPd, ProFTPD and PureFTPd are great choices for an FTP server that all work well. Each has a GUI applications available to help manage settings. However PureFTPd is lightweight, supports MLST/MLSD, supports virtual folders using symbolic links (symlinks) and supports the SITE UTIME command required to… Continue Reading →

Making the Function List feature work in Notepad++ 6.5

Notepad++ 6.4 introduced a built-in Function List feature to replace the add-on by the same name. By v6.4.5, the plugin was disabled by the installer. However it wasn’t until v6.5 that it supported anything formats other than C++ and JavaScript. Unfortunately… Continue Reading →

Setting up OpenSSH / SFTP on Ubuntu

OpenSSH includes an SFTP server which is enabled by default. This is a secure approach which use a single port and normal Linux user accounts and passwords for authentication. It also supports date/time stamp synchronization since you are actually copying… Continue Reading →

Installing and Configuring ProFTPD

[Note that the following instructions have not been fully tested.] To install ProFTPd on Ubuntu (or most Debian based) Linux, execute the following commands.  Although highly recommended, only the first command should be used if you don’t have a GUI desktop installed on your… Continue Reading →

Getting Started in WET 3.1

Ramping up on WET 3.x and HTML5 standards can be overwhelming but it is so worth it as there is a lot of new functionality that comes built-in. Here is some information that you might find helpful. The following topics… Continue Reading →

Migrate HDD to SSD without re-installing

Changing the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) in your laptop, notebook, netbook or ultrabook to an new Solid-State Drive (SSD) drive can literally breath new life into your computer, even if it is 5 years old. In my experience, I’ve seen a… Continue Reading →

Getting Started in Moodle

Moodle is an Open Source Learning Management System (LMS) application that enables you to make online training courses available to your customers. This tutorial covers some of the basics of how to get your first Moodle 2.5 course up and… Continue Reading →

Changing Notepad++’s default source code language for new documents

Notepad++ is a great editing tool for web developers. I know many, including myself, who use this together with Adobe Dreamweaver for their HTML development because there are just some things that Notepad++ does better than Dreamweaver including syntax colouring and HTML… Continue Reading →

Video and Audio Formats for the Web

Publishing audio or video media on the web? When creating audio or video for publication on the web, here are some guidelines to ensure that yours can be heard and viewed on all computers, tablets  and smartphones. The only assumption is that… Continue Reading →

Bookmarklets for Web Developers and Webmasters

Bookmarklets are short pieces of Javascript that can add useful functionality to your browser without installing any additional software on your computer. Installing a Bookmarklet Modern browsers: Simply drag and drop the link to the bookmarklet onto your browsers links bar…. Continue Reading →

Media Queries with Older Browsers

Did You Know? Media queries are part of CSS3 and allow web designers to customize CSS definitions for the layout depending on the device and screen width thereby creating a single Responsive Web Design that adapts to the visitors environment which… Continue Reading →

Using CSS to make DIV go around Float

At some point, most HTML developers end up in a situation where they use the float:right and/or float:left property and then notice that the DIV going around it isn’t wrapping the content anymore. Broken Example You can reproduce this in… Continue Reading →

Using jQuery Dropdown to Display Select Content

Here is a technique that uses jQuery to reduce the length of web pages containing repetitive formatted information. You can use it to display images as seen below or information such as people profiles. This is flexible too because the… Continue Reading →

Adding / Editing Photo Images in WordPress

Adding an Image to a Page or Post (skip to editing an image) Note: If you are replacing an existing image, it is easier and quicker to simply remove the old one from the page and then insert a new… Continue Reading →

Decrementing Word Number List Without Hard Coded Value

There are times when you might want to create a list in reverse numbered order. For example, if you are listing projects or accomplishments in reverse chronological order (most recent at the top) and want to number them. You’ve probably seen… Continue Reading →

Remove Red and Green Underlines in Word

Using Microsoft Word, you’ve created a professional high quality report at work, or a resume if you are looking for a job. It’s ready to be published to the target reader. The only problem is, it’s full of red (potential spelling… Continue Reading →

Adding a MailChimp Signup Form on Your Website

There are several ways to integrate MailChimp into your WordPress website. Getting a form on your site is relatively easy. The challenging part can be to get it to integrate with the look and feel of your site, especially if you… Continue Reading →

How to Set the Opacity of a DIV Background Using CSS

Some people call it the smoked or glass effect — it’s the ability to set the opacity or transparency of a background of an overlaying div using CSS. You might want to use this technique to ensure text is clearly… Continue Reading →

Taking Your Website Down for Maintenance

If you or your web hosting service provider works on your Apache based website for anything more than a few seconds, you should put up a message indicating to your visitors that your site is temporarily unavailable and will be… Continue Reading →

Difference between a Theme and a Template in WordPress

For many people, the use of the word Theme and Template mean the same thing. In Drupal, for example, themes are called templates. In WorPress, templates are called themes.  That being said, there is also something called a Page Template in… Continue Reading →

How to Identify the CMS That a Website is Using

Figuring out what CMS a website is using can give you clues on how to achieve similar results with your own site. While the following method is by no means guaranteed to provide you with the information you are looking… Continue Reading →

[Solution] Can’t save WordPress Weaver II Theme Settings

However, in some environments, as soon as you try to make ANY changes to the Weaver II setting: The sub-theme reverts back to the default one. All Weaver II settings are reset with default settings. Backing up and restoring the Weaver… Continue Reading →

Getting Started With Android Development

Getting started with Android development has never been easier. If you are developing on Windows, there are a few things that you will need to be aware of that may not be so obvious to a beginner. Installing Your Android… Continue Reading →

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