Where my articles grow up before they go public


Simple PHP debugging tips

Whether you are just getting started in PHP development or have been at it for a while, here are some tips that will help you troubleshoot when your code isn’t working quite the way it should. Post a comment if you… Continue Reading →

Tips for Customizing the Layout of NetBeans for Productive Debugging in PHP

Here are a few productivity tips to make editing and debugging PHP code easier in NetBeans by just modifying the editor’s layout. Display the NetBeans Debugging Window Click Window > Debugging and select the desired debugging tabs. In NetBeans 8.0,… Continue Reading →

Sending Custom Emails in Moodle Using the email_to_user() Function

You can send custom emails from within Moodle using PHP using your own forms using the email_to_user() function. By the way, did you know that Moodle actually uses the open source PHPMailer behind the scenes? A typical call to Moodle’s email_to_user()… Continue Reading →

Making XDEBUG work with NetBeans on Windows

After spending way more time that I should like to admit trying to get XDEBUG to work with Notepad++ using the DBGp plugin in anything but the simplest of projects, I decided to look for an alternative. I compared features… Continue Reading →

Dates in PHP and MySQL

Dates in PHP and MySQL via Dates in PHP and MySQL.

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