Where my articles grow up before they go public

Month February 2014

Upgrading Moodle packages for Windows (XAMPP Control Panel, PHP, phpMyAdmin, Apache, MySQL)

Moodle 2.3 to 2.6.1+ for Windows comes with pieces of XAMPP 1.7.4. Although it works well, the version of PHP that comes included with it is buggy, lacks some key features for development such as a modern control panel and… Continue Reading →

Git for Moodle Developers on Windows

The Git for Developers page on Moodle.org is pretty helpful in getting you started in developing for the Moodle LMS platform. However if you need to use Git on Windows for your Moodle development, there are some differences as the… Continue Reading →

Add WinMerge to WinSCP to Compare Local and Remote Files

I love using WinSCP for so many reasons. One of the many really cool features of WinSCP is the ability to add custom commands. In this article, I will describe how to integrate WinMerge into WinSCP to compare a local… Continue Reading →

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