Do you know anyone who has a stack of business cards in their office which probably haven’t been touched since the day each of them was received? Perhaps you even know this person intimately? People exchange business cards for one reason… Continue Reading →
One thing that I have noticed that people seem to appreciate is the Chinese way of exchanging business cards. This is a slightly modified version of the official etiquette but one which I believe makes for a good compromise and… Continue Reading →
I don’t recommend putting anything on the back of a business card because it’s a place where people write notes. Say for example, someone asks you for a price to do something, or the name of a company that does… Continue Reading →
That depends. I normally like to stick with the basics — Arial or Times New Roman — because they tend to come out pretty much the way you had inteneded. If you choose some other font and the printer doesn’t… Continue Reading →
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