Bookmarklets are short pieces of Javascript that can add useful functionality to your browser without installing any additional software on your computer.

Installing a Bookmarklet

Modern browsers: Simply drag and drop the link to the bookmarklet onto your browsers links bar.

If this doesn't work for you:

  1. Create a bookmark/favourite to any web page, saving it on your browsers links bar.
  2. Rename your bookmark/favourite to something meaningful to you.
  3. Edit the bookmark, copying the JavaSscript listed below and pasting it in the URL of the bookmark, replacing all of its content. Be sure to allow it to save your changes if your browse gives you a warning message.

Note that all the code must be copied and pasted one line.

Using a Bookmarklet

To use a bookmarklet, go to the page where you want to perform the action and click the bookmarklet in your browsers links bar.

Bookmarklets for Developers

WAVE Current Page

This bookmarklet will open the current page on the WAVE accessibility validation site.

Drag and drop the following link to your links bar: WAVE Page

Or copy and paste the following code:


W3C Validate Current Page

This bookmarklet will open the current page on the W3C Validation site and start the validation process.

Drag and drop the following link to your links bar: W3C Validate Page

Or copy and paste the following code:

javascript:if(document.location.href.substr(0,6)=='about:'){document.location.href='';javascript_abort();} (function(){ function fixFileUrl(u) { var windows,u; windows = (navigator.platform.indexOf('Win') != -1); /* chop off file:///, unescape each %hh, convert / to \ and | to : */ u = u.substr(windows ? 8 : 7); u = unescape(u); if(windows) { u = u.replace(/\//g,'\\'); u = u.replace(/\|/g,':'); } return u; } /* bookmarklet body */ var loc,fileloc; loc = document.location.href; if (loc.length > 9 && loc.substr(0,8)=='file:///') { fileloc = fixFileUrl(loc); if (prompt('Copy filename to clipboard, press enter, paste into validator form', fileloc) != null) { document.location.href = '' } } else document.location.href = '' + escape(document.location.href); void(0); })();

Link and URL Extractor

javascript:WN7z=open(",'Z6′,'width=400,height=200,scrollbars,resizable,menubar');DL5e=document.links;with(WN7z.document){write('<base target=_blank>');for(lKi=0;lKi<DL5e.length;lKi++){write(DL5e[lKi].toString().link(DL5e[lKi])+'<br><br>')};void(close())}

Link and URL Extractor

Use these bookmarklets to instantly extract and create a list of links from any web page. They are useful to converting a sitemap into an inventory of your website pages or collecting a list of download links on a page. Just click the bookmarklet and copy and paste the resulting information right into Excel or Word.

Drag and drop the following link to your links bar: function opnUrl(url){opener.location.href=unescape(url);close();}');for(var i=0;i'+lnks[i].innerHTML+'

');}writeln('');close();}}})()">Link Extractor

Drag and drop the following link to your links bar: URL Extractor

Or copy and paste the following code:

javascript:(function(){if(frames.length>1)alert('Sorry, frames detected.');else{wnd=open(",'lnkswnd','width=620,height=500,top=0,left=0,scrollbars,resizable');lnks=document.links;with(wnd.document){writeln('<html><scr'+'ipt>function opnUrl(url){opener.location.href=unescape(url);close();}</scr'+'ipt><table>');for(var i=0;i