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Category Your Website

Protecting Your Published Photos

Watermarks A easy and less intrusive way of adding a watermark to your photos in Photoshop is to add a watermark using simple to follow instructions. Instead of watermarking your photos with the name of your website, watermark them with… Continue Reading →

Cropping Photos For Print

Have you ever cropped a photo in order to get the perfect composition and then have it not fit quite right when you go to print it? This article will discuss techniques you can use to ensure your crops produce the intended results each time.

Blogger vs WordPress vs Website Baker

  People don’t want to have to read a manual, take a course or become a programmer just to make changes on their website. They just want to put content up on their site. BLOGGER.COM If you are looking an entry… Continue Reading →

What to Look For in Web Hosting

Shopping for web hosting can be very confusing. I have seen prices that range from less than $2 per months all the way up to several hundred dollars. The goal of this article is to help you cut through all the jargon and figure out what will best serve your needs.

Web Hosting: Paid vs Free

Free Hosting such as Blogger.com, WordPress.com. You are limited as to what you can do using these sites. They typically only let you store files of specific types and will limit the amount of information that can be transferred from… Continue Reading →

Redirecting to a Differenct Webpage

Sometimes we rename files for various reasons. For example, if you were to move your website to a new domain or create a new or temporary version of your page. I often need to do this so that clients using… Continue Reading →

phpBB – Can’t log into Administrator Control Panel

Having trouble getting access to the Administrator Control Panel? Confused by all the advice on the Internet that just doesn’t seem to work? Here are some instructions for phpBB3 which will get you back into your Administrator Control Panel.

On-Line Web Presence 101 – For Service Oriented Businesses

Websites, blogs, social media, newsletters, mailing lists, instant messaging, the list just seems to go on forever and there are many providers of each of these services. I am tired just thinking about it. Does it make sense to be plugged in everywhere? This article will give you the heads up on where to focus your on-line presence efforts.

Website Baker – Bakery and Paypal

Having trouble making Website Baker’s Bakery work for you? Here are the steps missing from the instructions.

Make Files Publicly Accessible using Google Docs

Once you have created or uploaded your document, follow these simple instructions.

Javascript and Cookies

First, the Javascript code: function SetCookie (name,value,expires,path,domain,secure) { // Example Use: SetCookie (name,value);    // Version 2.0 By Michael Milette, www.tngconsulting.ca    // Original JavaScript code by Duncan Crombie: dcrombie@chirp.com.au    if (value != null && value != “”)       document.cookie = name +… Continue Reading →

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