XDEBUG enables you to walk through the execution of PHP source code and debug the code as it is executed in real-time. It is one of the most important tools that a PHP developer’s toolbox and is well worth the… Continue Reading →
If you are editing a PHP code file on Windows or Linux, make sure your file end-of-line format isn’t Old Mac Format. This could cause problems when executing even if your PHP is flawless.
I am often asked this question by other Web developers. In fact, I regularly need to figure decide which web programming languages and technologies I need to learn next as part of my life long learning. Start with Web Browser Technologies Did… Continue Reading →
Whether you are just getting started in PHP development or have been at it for a while, here are some tips that will help you troubleshoot when your code isn’t working quite the way it should. Post a comment if you… Continue Reading →
For developers just getting started in Moodle development, testing and fixing 3rd party Moodle plugins which are not currently supported the latest version of Moodle is a great way to get started on your way to learning how Moodle works. These plugins… Continue Reading →
You can send custom emails from within Moodle using PHP using your own forms using the email_to_user() function. By the way, did you know that Moodle actually uses the open source PHPMailer behind the scenes? A typical call to Moodle’s email_to_user()… Continue Reading →
After spending way more time that I should like to admit trying to get XDEBUG to work with Notepad++ using the DBGp plugin in anything but the simplest of projects, I decided to look for an alternative. I compared features… Continue Reading →
Moodle 2.3 to 2.6.1+ for Windows comes with pieces of XAMPP 1.7.4. Although it works well, the version of PHP that comes included with it is buggy, lacks some key features for development such as a modern control panel and… Continue Reading →
Notepad++ is a great editing tool for web developers. I know many, including myself, who use this together with Adobe Dreamweaver for their HTML development because there are just some things that Notepad++ does better than Dreamweaver including syntax colouring and HTML… Continue Reading →
However, in some environments, as soon as you try to make ANY changes to the Weaver II setting: The sub-theme reverts back to the default one. All Weaver II settings are reset with default settings. Backing up and restoring the Weaver… Continue Reading →
Image Repository Canaidan Tourism Commission Media Centre Fotolia iStockPhoto Shutterstock Images StockFreeImages Stock.Xchng On-line Tools Photo Editor Text Comparison Tool Text QuickDiff Tool Subtitle Horse Converters Real-time HTML Editor Programming Languages ASP.Net CSS HTML Javascript SQL VB.net Search Engine Optimization… Continue Reading →
Having problems getting Facebook Like buttons to work on your website? Are you also using something like the Root Relative URLs plugin to make all your URLs relative to the root of the site instead of to the domain? The… Continue Reading →
Couldn’t be easier. Just add the following to the function.php file locate in the twentyten folder or it’s child theme folder: function removeHome( $args ) { remove_filter(‘wp_page_menu_args’, ‘twentyten_page_menu_args’); $args[‘show_home’] = false; return $args; } add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘removeHome’ );
ASP.Net / SQL Server If you are looking for ASP.Net, I’ve heard people recommend ASPSpider. Their services include ASP.net 4.0 and SQL server. Their free accounts limit you to 100 MB of disk space but that should be more than… Continue Reading →
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you update qTranslate, these changes will be overwritten and you will need to re-insert this code again in order to restore the functionality. qTranslate is a wonderful plugin that can help you create a multilingual website. If… Continue Reading →
Here is a list of useful manuals Content Management Systems (CMS) / Websites Website Baker WordPress Programming Languages CSS HTML Javascript PHP vbScript
Need to create a new page template (or other) file in your WordPress theme and don’t have FTP access? Here is a simple little procedure that will create the file for you. Once that is done, you need only copy… Continue Reading →
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