As many people know, the process of shopping (job search) involves knowing what you are looking for (position), how much you want to pay (salary) and going to stores (businesses) that sell things (jobs) you might be interested.
They may or may not be having a sales (job openings) but that doesn't stop you from going in (meeting with them) just to browse (learn more about what they do).
The store may have a contest form (job applications) you can fill out or have some other promotional offer (job opening) where you give them your contact information (business card, resume) so that they can keep you in mind for future promotions (when they need someone).
If you regularly frequent a restaurant, the owners and staff may even get to know you (networking). If they like you, they may even occasionally let you in on a secret special (job offer) just for their preferred customers.
Shopping for a job takes all the pressure out of doing right because you are gathering information. You can find out what's going on in your industry, upcoming opportunities, similar places you could check out and what you need to know in order to be considered for future opportunities. One of the side effects just happens to be that you get to meet managers and they get to know you while everyone else stands in line to be rejected at HR. And if they just happen to ask if you might be available to start Monday, who are you to say no?
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