As you learn to love yourself, you will also begin to feel worthy and brave to let others see and appreciate the wonderful loving person that is inside you.
Such a basic human thing that any human should be able to give another. It costs nothing so everyone can afford to give free hugs. I would be grateful if a teacher gave my kid a hug if they were… Continue Reading →
What do you crave more, to feel loved or to just be respected? I believe that people who don’t feel loved in an intimate relationship unfortunately often try to settle for respect.
Your true power lies in being the change not in waiting for it. You already have everything you need to start making it happen.
If you are going to learn, you must do it by listening. Step up and pay attention to people, to work/school, to life. Free education is available to those who look for it.
Having a bad day? Smile! 🙂 This act floods your brain with feel-good chemicals making you more cheerful. Lucky for you, unlimited do-overs are included when it comes to smiling. Keep practising!
Question Everything! Don’t have a really good reason to believe something? Open your mind to new possibilities. Sure you could be wrong. Having an open mind doesn’t mean that you are right. It means you are open to better ways of… Continue Reading →
You are the first victim of your own anger, your children are the second.
Don’t like what you see in the world? Here is how you can change it. “We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are.” — Anaïs Nin Try it. This actually works!
Today I have a special quote to share with anyone who thinks there are not enough hours in the day: “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given… Continue Reading →
Throughout life, we often put up barriers around the good person inside us to protect it. Does that really work out best for you?
If you can write, if you can talk, if you can take action, if you can do any of these, YOU have the power to make a positive difference in the world.
Moodle LMS maintenance upgrades is indeed something that needs to be done every once in a while. But how often should you upgrade? This article discusses the the lifecycle of software and what to watch out for when considering upgrading…. Continue Reading →
With regular practice, gratitude — expressing appreciation for everything you have, where you are, the people in your life, what you do, and much more — can change your relationships with people and your life. Accelerate your progress by writing… Continue Reading →
Have you ever tried to copy information from a web page or a MS Word document and got more than you bargained for when you pasted it into another Word document or web page? Text often comes with unwanted junk… Continue Reading →
Decide to take action today. Didn’t work? Pay attention. You now have an education. Use what you learned and go back to step 1.
Do you have a problem? No => then don’t worry Yes => can you do something about it? No => then don’t worry Yes => then don’t worry Yep. It really is just that simple.
What is a good man anyway? A very common problem when searching for your ideal partner is that most people haven’t gone through the process of figuring out what they want. While this is the purpose of dating, most people… Continue Reading →
Whatever you are going through can serve you. Learn from these opportunities, lead your life and help those around you.
Letting someone go, regardless of the reason, is never an easy task. You are making a decision that is going to have an impact on someone’s life, maybe even affect their family. However, when you are responsible for a business,… Continue Reading →
We all have bad days — we are just human. We can also move forward using gratitude in the present and focus on a positive future
Your future need not reflect your past for it has yet to be written. Each day is blank page waiting for your new life stories.
Why is your car’s windshield so much bigger than its rear-view mirror? Because it’s more important to focus on your future than your past.
There is an increasing number of businesses who are looking at Moodle LMS to meet their training requirements for their employees and/or their customers as an alternative to commercial LMS. Open source is a very attractive alternative to pricey licensing… Continue Reading →
Time should be spent mastering any skill you are passionate about that will lead you to where you want to go in life, whether that is programming computers or something else. If you are not sure where you want to… Continue Reading →
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