Does your webpage take a very long time to show up the first time you open it in your browser? Does it even take more time on slower Internet connections? The problem might be the size of your image files…. Continue Reading →
There are actually few built-in shortcodes that you can use in without installing any plugins. They include:
Tested and Useful WordPress Plugins Akismet — Prevents spam in visitors comments. AntiVirus — Protects your site from melicious plugins and themes. Black Studio TinyMCE Widget — Adds a WYSIWYG text editor widget. Broken Link Checker — Automatically validates all… Continue Reading →
I believe in freedom of speech and will normally allow good and bad comments alike to appear on my blog as long as they are not offensive or abusive. However there are automated computers out there just go around from… Continue Reading →
Want to change your email address in WordPress? There are actually two places you might want to do this: Your Profile and WordPress General Settings Your Personal Profile Login to WordPress as admin Click on Users in the left-hand menu… Continue Reading →
Some WordPress shortcodes seem to work in Text widgets while others don’t. Here is how to make all your shortcodes work. While installing Ultimate TinyMCE might not be the first thing to come to mind as as the solution, installing it not… Continue Reading →
Couldn’t be easier. Just add the following to the function.php file locate in the twentyten folder or it’s child theme folder: function removeHome( $args ) { remove_filter(‘wp_page_menu_args’, ‘twentyten_page_menu_args’); $args[‘show_home’] = false; return $args; } add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘removeHome’ );
My recommendation is that you take a phased approach to the implementation. Otherwise it could be a while before you get everything you want together. The most important pages which should be included in the first phase are: Home |–… Continue Reading →
ASP.Net / SQL Server If you are looking for ASP.Net, I’ve heard people recommend ASPSpider. Their services include 4.0 and SQL server. Their free accounts limit you to 100 MB of disk space but that should be more than… Continue Reading →
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you update qTranslate, these changes will be overwritten and you will need to re-insert this code again in order to restore the functionality. qTranslate is a wonderful plugin that can help you create a multilingual website. If… Continue Reading →
Do you have a recent backup of your WordPress site including both the database and the files? Hope so because you might need it. Occasionally, a theme or plugin installation/update fails and your site can end up stuck in Maintenance… Continue Reading →
One of the challenges you may occasionally have is how to make [shortcodes] or other text in square brackets appear in the website. The reason the text doesn’t show up is because WordPress interprets text in square brackets as special… Continue Reading →
MailChimp is a popular email campaign services, especially for people starting up because you can use it for free for up to 2,000 subscribers to send out a total of 12,000 emails per month. It has all the features you’ll likely… Continue Reading →
What follows is a list of add-ons we have either used ourselves on our own websites, were recommended to us or have implemented for our clients. As these are often developed and supported by a user community with limited resources,… Continue Reading →
“Sticky posts” was first introduced in WordPress version 2.7 and is used to to make an article stick to your welcome page. Here is how to do it: Create or Edit an post In the publish box on the right… Continue Reading →
Here is a list of useful manuals Content Management Systems (CMS) / Websites Website Baker WordPress Programming Languages CSS HTML Javascript PHP vbScript
Need to create a new page template (or other) file in your WordPress theme and don’t have FTP access? Here is a simple little procedure that will create the file for you. Once that is done, you need only copy… Continue Reading →
Note: Although this article talks about WordPress, most of the concepts are applicable to any Content Management System (CMS). Why Install Updates to WordPress? Keeping all of the components of your website up to date is generally a good idea because… Continue Reading →
The following guideline should be used for adding content to your website. This will not only ensure that your content is of higher quality, it will also help drive traffic to your site: [ ] Produce a draft – Introduce… Continue Reading →
For the most part, your new WordPress site operates maintenance free. However we do have a few suggestions: Backups after a change to the site: Anytime you make a change to your website, use the XCloner plugin to make a… Continue Reading →
There are thousands of WordPress plugins out there. What follows is a list of plugins with which I have personally had good experiences: Broken Links — Broken Link Checker automatically checks and reports broken links. To Do List — Cleaverness… Continue Reading →
(in progress) I’ve had a fair amount of experience putting together Startup Business websites using WordPress. Today I would like to share with you some of the more useful plugins I have come across which you may find useful in… Continue Reading →
People don’t want to have to read a manual, take a course or become a programmer just to make changes on their website. They just want to put content up on their site. BLOGGER.COM If you are looking an entry… Continue Reading →
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