"Sticky posts" was first introduced in WordPress version 2.7 and is used to to make an article stick to your welcome page.
Here is how to do it:
- Create or Edit an post
- In the publish box on the right side of the screen, click on the "Edit" link next to Visibility
- Add a checkmark next to "Stick this pot to the front page" and click OK
Don't forget to click Publish or Update once you are done.
You can also do this using the Quick Edit feature. There you will find a check box called "Make this post sticky".
The above terminology is from WordPress 3.0.1. If you are using an older version, the exact wording might be slightly different.
Altering the presentation of your sticky posts may be a little more complicated. Depending on your template theme, it may require some PHP and/or CSS programming.
Feel free to contact me if we can be of service to you in helping you achieve the desired results with your website or blog.
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