Being bilingual, English and French (bonjour les amies!), I occasionally have a need to type in French. Although the French alphabet is very similar to the English one, there are certain characters in French that may require accented versions of the characters. The problem is, I don't always have a French keyboard layout available. The good news is that there is an alternative.
French accented characters can however be entered using something called ALT codes. While holding down the ALT key, type the three or four digits number as it appears below. When you release the ALT key, the character will appear.
Description | Lowercase | Code | Uppercase | Code |
a with grave accent | à | ALT + 133 | À | ALT + 0192 |
a with circumflex | â | ALT + 131 | Â | ALT + 0194 |
a with tréma | ä | ALT + 132 | Ä | ALT + 142 |
a e ligature | æ | ALT + 145 | Æ | ALT + 146 |
c with cedilla | ç | ALT + 135 | Ç | ALT + 128 |
e with acute accent | é | ALT + 130 | É | ALT + 144 |
e with grave accent | è | ALT + 138 | È | ALT + 0200 |
e with circumflex | ê | ALT + 136 | Ê | ALT + 0202 |
e with tréma | ë | ALT + 137 | Ë | ALT + 0203 |
i with circumflex | î | ALT + 140 | Î | ALT + 0206 |
i with tréma | ï | ALT + 139 | Ï | ALT + 0207 |
o with circumflex | ô | ALT + 147 | Ô | ALT + 0212 |
o e ligature | œ | ALT + 0156 | Œ | ALT + 0140 |
u with grave accent | ù | ALT + 151 | Ù | ALT + 0217 |
u with circumflex | û | ALT + 150 | Û | ALT + 0219 |
u with tréma | ü | ALT + 129 | Ü | ALT + 154 |
French quotation marks | « | ALT + 174 | » | ALT + 175 |
Euro symbol | € | ALT + 0128 | Not really a French character |
Additonal Reference: Common HTML Character Codes
Happy computing!
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