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Category Lifestyle

Top Ten Romantic Ideas

10. Buy some glow in the dark stars from the toy store and arrange a special message on the ceiling above your bed. 9. Change the screen saver on the computer to a scrolling romantic message. Highlight the message and… Continue Reading →

A Success Formula For Life

I hear it all the time. Why can’t I find the man/woman of my dreams? Why don’t I I have the life I want? Why am I having trouble making more money? Have you ever noticed that these questions are… Continue Reading →

Personal Empowerment

In speaking with many people over the years, it has been my general observation that the issue of how to get what you want usually lies within the question itself. If you ask your brain why you are failing, your… Continue Reading →

Your Six Basic Human Needs

Regardless of our gender, our culture, our age, our social status, where we live in the world, or how much money we have, all humans are driven by instinct to fulfill six fundamental human needs. Whether it is positive or… Continue Reading →

Predictions for the New Year

Happy New Year! What do you mean I am too late? Perhaps for the calendar year, however this is the first day of the rest of your life, right? What a great reason to celebrate! By the way, how are… Continue Reading →

What are We Really Saying When We Say No To Our Kids?

It takes a lot of courage for most people to speak their mind. Every time we say no to an adult or a child, either because something is too expensive, too far away, too hard or there isn’t enough time,… Continue Reading →

The Mastermind

“What ever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” — Napoleon Hill Mastermind is a concept initially described by Napoleon Hill in his book “Think and Grow Rich” back in 1937. The idea is to bring together two… Continue Reading →

Water – Essential To Life

Water, who needs it? We all do actually. Depending on your age, our body is made up of  55% to 90% water. In fact, the only thing more important to our body is air. The general rule is that a… Continue Reading →

Links to Education and Training resources

Expand your knowledge and experience by exploring these links to some of the best (mostly) free educational resources I have come across on the Internet. Life Coach Mary Allen (audio recordings) Learn about Coaching 7 Simple Secrets of a Six… Continue Reading →

Why only 9% of all coaches succeed

In her book titled “New Coaching Manifesto”, The Whole Truth About Coaching Business — Why only 9% of coaches succeed while all the rest fail, and what you must do to prosper in coaching, Milana Leshinsky talks about developing your… Continue Reading →

Strangers are simply friends you haven’t met yet.

If life is hard, you’re probably living it wrong…

Building a Sustainable Business

In her book entitled “New Coaching Manifesto”, The Whole Truth About Coaching Business — Why only 9% of coaches succeed while all the rest fail, and what you must do to prosper in coaching, Melana Leshinsky talks about developing your… Continue Reading →

Your Personal First Aid Kit

I take my personal first aid kit with me when ever I leave the house, whether it is to go for a walk, bicycling, hiking, camping or most other activities. It has not only saved me from pain, I have… Continue Reading →

Lest We Forget

Did You Know? “Lest” is an Old English word that originated before the 12th century. While not as commonly used as it once was throughout the English speaking world, it is now predominantly used only in North America. According to… Continue Reading →

Retreats… Just for Men

Women gather together because together they are stronger. Do men gather together because together they are stronger? Smart men do. Wise men will also step up and realize that women just might know something they don’t. Can you guess what that might be?

Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy

Discover your true identity, who you really are

Online Presence 101 – Still think Social Media is just a fad?

Reality check: If you aren’t using social media to bring a face to yourself and your business, you aren’t just avoiding it, you are actually giving this control up to others… and you may not like what the results might be.

Join The 7-Day Validation Challenge and Feel Great About Yourself

Join The 7-Day Validation Challenge today and discover how giving can make a difference for others and make you feel great about yourself in the process.

The Hidden Benefits of FUNdraising!

Did you know that there are many more benefits to fundraising besides the obvious financial one? Though we often have the best of intentions for our kids, we may actually be doing a disservice to our kids by doing fundraising for them. Here’s why…

Did You Know? The Secret to Your Success

What are the Three Secrets to Success and Making Money? As it turns out, it has everything to do with you and nothing to do with what you want. Focus on that and you’ve have it made! Read on…

What does COURAGE mean to you?

Courage, also known as fortitude, is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation. Where do you find your courage?

Keeping the competition in business is important to your own survivial

Edging out your competition? Getting all the sales? Enjoy the short term gains for you might be in for long term pain.

The Mastermind Group

Most people enjoy spending time with people who have common interests. However when it comes to growing, you would probably benefit far more by being around people with skills and knowledge that compliment yours, people like you who love to contribute and grow. If you see the value in variety, you might be a good candidate for a Mastermind group.

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