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Author Coach Michael

Essential WordPress Plugins

There are thousands of WordPress plugins out there. What follows is a list of plugins with which I have personally had good experiences: Broken Links — Broken Link Checker automatically checks and reports broken links. To Do List — Cleaverness… Continue Reading →

Excel Tip: Turning a batch of text URL’s into hyperlinks

Have you ever had an Excel spreadsheet full of web addresses that were not clickable? Pressing F2 and ENTER is good enough when you only have a few, but when you have dozens, hundreds or even thousands, this can become… Continue Reading →

Search only a specific website using Google

Did You Know? You can tell Google to only search a specific web site by entering your search text in the following format: your keywords to find[a space]site:www.thesitename.tld Bonus Google Tip #1 Want to see which pages on your website have been… Continue Reading →

Want to make a great impression by email? Read this first.

Need to make a good impression when sending out an important email? Send it to yourself first to see what it will look like. Many people don’t realize that some email programs, like Microsoft Outlook, are notorious for sending out… Continue Reading →

TIP: Quick Email to Yourself

Set up an e-mail address in your address book with “Me” as the nickname and your own e-mail address. That way you can easily add yourself when sending out an e-mail or even just testing an e-mail by sending it… Continue Reading →

Memorable Website Addresses

Did you know? You can actually use UPPERCASE letters in the address of your website. For example, www.MichaelMilette.com. Not only does it make your website address easier to read on business cards, stationnary, invoices and even websites, it will make… Continue Reading →

Capturing Text from Application and Folders

In this article: CopyText — Allows you to copy text from applications ClipName -Filenames to clipboard CopyText Have you ever wished you could easily copy the contents of a combo box or a list box? If so, check out CopyText 2.2,… Continue Reading →

Top Ten Romantic Ideas

10. Buy some glow in the dark stars from the toy store and arrange a special message on the ceiling above your bed. 9. Change the screen saver on the computer to a scrolling romantic message. Highlight the message and… Continue Reading →

Broadcasting on YouTube.com

Here is some information to help you get started in your broadcasting career. Note that this method is probably the least expensive way of getting started. Once you have figured out the basics down on how it all works, you… Continue Reading →

What type of font is the best on a business card?

That depends. I normally like to stick with the basics — Arial or Times New Roman — because they tend to come out pretty much the way you had inteneded. If you choose some other font and the printer doesn’t… Continue Reading →

Got knocked down? Get up again!

In every business there are challeging moments. When you are just starting out, these can feel like a real blow to your momentum. Think about this: What is the true business of sales people? Most people would answer “making sales”,… Continue Reading →

Creating PDF Forms for Free

NOTE: If you just want to create PDF documents, please see Creating PDF files for Free instead. Although you won’t be able to make fillable forms, the process is quicker and much easier. Until recently, the only tool to do… Continue Reading →

A Success Formula For Life

I hear it all the time. Why can’t I find the man/woman of my dreams? Why don’t I I have the life I want? Why am I having trouble making more money? Have you ever noticed that these questions are… Continue Reading →

Personal Empowerment

In speaking with many people over the years, it has been my general observation that the issue of how to get what you want usually lies within the question itself. If you ask your brain why you are failing, your… Continue Reading →

Your Six Basic Human Needs

Regardless of our gender, our culture, our age, our social status, where we live in the world, or how much money we have, all humans are driven by instinct to fulfill six fundamental human needs. Whether it is positive or… Continue Reading →

Predictions for the New Year

Happy New Year! What do you mean I am too late? Perhaps for the calendar year, however this is the first day of the rest of your life, right? What a great reason to celebrate! By the way, how are… Continue Reading →

What are We Really Saying When We Say No To Our Kids?

It takes a lot of courage for most people to speak their mind. Every time we say no to an adult or a child, either because something is too expensive, too far away, too hard or there isn’t enough time,… Continue Reading →

How to Conduct an Interview With an Expert

Start by writing up your questions for the interview. Send them to the person before the actual interview so they can be prepared. Nobody likes surprises. Whenever possible, call the interviewer or at the very least provide them with a… Continue Reading →

The Mastermind

“What ever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” — Napoleon Hill Mastermind is a concept initially described by Napoleon Hill in his book “Think and Grow Rich” back in 1937. The idea is to bring together two… Continue Reading →

Water – Essential To Life

Water, who needs it? We all do actually. Depending on your age, our body is made up of  55% to 90% water. In fact, the only thing more important to our body is air. The general rule is that a… Continue Reading →

Creating PDF Files For Free from Any Application

NOTE: If you want to create fillable PDF Forms, please see Creating PDF Forms for Free instead. Why would you want to use PDF (Portable Document Format) files when you can just create a Microsoft Word document? In this article… Continue Reading →

Challenged by Technology Part 2 – Virtual Assistants

Is technology preventing you from taking advantage of the tools that will help your business? In this article, I will be introducing you to Virtual Assitants, also known as VA’s. Some of the things entrepreneurs and small businesses would like… Continue Reading →

Challenged by Technology Part 1 – Tech Coaches

Is technology preventing you from taking advantage of the tools that will help your business? In this article, I will be introducing you to Tech Coaches, also known as technology coaches. Some of the things entrepreneurs and small businesses would… Continue Reading →

Increasing The Visibility of Your Small Business

By far, the three questions I am most often asked when I first tell people that I am a life coach are: What is life coaching? Do you have a business card? and finally “Do you have a web site?”…. Continue Reading →

Prevent SPAM (junk) email

Here are some great tips and tools you can use to help deal with junk mail, also known as SPAM mail. Unfortunately there isn’t much you can do about reducing the amount of junk email you are already receiving other… Continue Reading →

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