Join The 7-Day Validation Challenge today and discover how giving can make a difference for others and make you feel great about yourself in the process.
Did you know that there are many more benefits to fundraising besides the obvious financial one? Though we often have the best of intentions for our kids, we may actually be doing a disservice to our kids by doing fundraising for them. Here’s why…
What are the Three Secrets to Success and Making Money? As it turns out, it has everything to do with you and nothing to do with what you want. Focus on that and you’ve have it made! Read on…
Courage, also known as fortitude, is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation. Where do you find your courage?
Does your well of blogging material go dry from time to time? Change how you see the world and the world will provide you with more material than you can blog about in a lifetime. Learn about two great features most blogging tools have that you may have escaped your eagle eye, and keen mind… or that you simply have not yet taken advantage of.
Edging out your competition? Getting all the sales? Enjoy the short term gains for you might be in for long term pain.
Why would you want to use PDF (Portable Document Format) files when you can just create a Microsoft Word document? In this article I will talk about why you should be using PDF files and some examples of tools that will let you create them without breaking the bank.
Most people enjoy spending time with people who have common interests. However when it comes to growing, you would probably benefit far more by being around people with skills and knowledge that compliment yours, people like you who love to contribute and grow. If you see the value in variety, you might be a good candidate for a Mastermind group.
Happiness, a holy grail that everyone wants but somehow eludes many. Summer here in North America is often a time for individuals and families to go on vacations but do vacations actually bring us happiness?
Let’s see a show of hands… how many of you know what your purpose is in life? I have known my purpose in life since I was a teenager. One day I was sitting down for lunch with a colleague… Continue Reading →
<<NOTE: This article has been archived as it Melissa’s website no longer exists. >> I love sharing information, especially when I think it will help others. Think of me as a junk filter. I only share the best of what… Continue Reading →
I find it inspiring to know that people, often even strangers will come and work together, practice hard together and…
Websites, blogs, social media, newsletters, mailing lists, instant messaging, the list just seems to go on forever and there are many providers of each of these services. I am tired just thinking about it. Does it make sense to be plugged in everywhere? This article will give you the heads up on where to focus your on-line presence efforts.
Heve you heard of the real-life benefits of regularly practicing gratitude? Whether you have or not, begin your 30 day (FREE) journey that will change how you see yourself and your life. Here is how to get started…
What does a person who is depressed look like? Everyone knows that. Even a child can tell you. Feeling obviously affect our physiology but could the reverse be true? Could changing a person’s physiology affect how they feel?
The people we ultimately work for are the people we provide services to. Are you sure you are clear about your role? If you receive compensation for the application of your time and/or efforts (i.e. work), you are a business owner. So, how have you been managing your business lately?
If you are thinking of or planning on attending Anthony Robbins Unleash the Power Within (UPW), you might be in for the experience of your life… especially if you come prepared.
If your desk is larger than a single sheet of paper, you won’t want to miss this productivity tip. Having more than one monitor attached to your computer to extend your desktop space can increase your productivity by 9 to 50%. How? Read on…
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,… Continue Reading →
Have you ever been told “If you want to be successful, you need to…”? I know I have certainly been at the receiving end of this friendly advice. But are people really trying to tell you how to be successful?
When doing any activities whether it is with youth in Scouting or on your own, it important to ensure we not practice good safety, but teach our youth how to be safe. Transport Canada has some very specific requirements regarding… Continue Reading →
First, the Javascript code: function SetCookie (name,value,expires,path,domain,secure) { // Example Use: SetCookie (name,value); // Version 2.0 By Michael Milette, // Original JavaScript code by Duncan Crombie: if (value != null && value != “”) document.cookie = name +… Continue Reading →
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