[Note: needs more info] One of the important things to do when you are in business by yourself is to build up your support circle. This can include: Connectors When you market to a potential client, you end up with… Continue Reading →
[Note: needs more information] Masculine and feminine energy does not mean energy from a man and energy from a woman. It is actually… One of the differences between men and women that I have learned is that the female energy… Continue Reading →
Don’t be hard on yourself. You are a business man/woman and he/she is a business man/woman and the two of you simply had a miscommunication. You could talk yourself into believing that you were a fool or you can say… Continue Reading →
The funny thing about a budget is that you can sometimes create a budget out of thin air even when there wasn’t one. People tend to often find money for what they want and not have money for what they… Continue Reading →
An important part of building your business is building relationships with your potential clients and maintaining relationships with existing clients. Most people appreciate it when you seem to remember things about past conversations. It makes them feel imporant and heard by… Continue Reading →
According to Anthony Robbins, regardless of our gender, our culture or where we live in the world, all humans have six basic human needs. They include the need for: Certainty / Faith — We all have a need for certainty in our lives…. Continue Reading →
Here are a couple of article on how to effectively prepare and evaluate your marketing pamphlet: Effective Brochure Design: How To Create Brochures That Get Action Take the 5 Minute Brochure Design Trash Test
Not all strategies are equally effect at producing results and job searches strategies are no exception to this rule. I came across some interesting job finding facts in the book “What Color is Your Parachute?” 2010 US Edition. The worst… Continue Reading →
Did You Know? Canada has its own English and French which includes its spelling and even words. For those who already knew that, the following is usually the next question to come up: Should I use the Canadian spelling when writing to an… Continue Reading →
Whether you are looking for a job or want to grow your business, your best bet is still going to be all about who you know and who knows or has at least heard about (not just of) you. Social… Continue Reading →
[note to self: needs to be better organized, shorter, clearer and straighter to the point] You’ve got the business facilities, the business cards, the pamphlets, the shingle above your door, your email address, website, telephone, computer, letterhead and a means of… Continue Reading →
Do you know anyone who has a stack of business cards in their office which probably haven’t been touched since the day each of them was received? Perhaps you even know this person intimately? People exchange business cards for one reason… Continue Reading →
One thing that I have noticed that people seem to appreciate is the Chinese way of exchanging business cards. This is a slightly modified version of the official etiquette but one which I believe makes for a good compromise and… Continue Reading →
I don’t recommend putting anything on the back of a business card because it’s a place where people write notes. Say for example, someone asks you for a price to do something, or the name of a company that does… Continue Reading →
Search engines work like a democracy. Each link to your website is a vote in popularity. Another great way to get links to your website is to give people the option of LIKEing your pages and/or blog posts to their… Continue Reading →
[note to self: Portions may require re-writing] I believe that everyone should take the time to find their passion in life. When you do that, it gives you purpose, direction, the motivation and the drive to actually achieve their goals…. Continue Reading →
It’s a shame that most students don’t realize the extraordinary situation they are in. You might be still living with your parents receiving food, shelter, financial and emotional support. This is a time to go out and figure out what… Continue Reading →
If you had someone working for you, you would want them to access their email from an email account. That way, if they decided to quit, you could simply re-allocate the email account with all the emails to their replacement…. Continue Reading →
Before you create a YouTube Account… Choosing a User Name: Before you create a YouTube channel, try going to http://www.youtube.com/username and http://www.youtube.com/user/username (replace username with your desired account name to see if it is already in use. If you see… Continue Reading →
The following guideline should be used for adding content to your website. This will not only ensure that your content is of higher quality, it will also help drive traffic to your site: [ ] Produce a draft – Introduce… Continue Reading →
For the most part, your new WordPress site operates maintenance free. However we do have a few suggestions: Backups after a change to the site: Anytime you make a change to your website, use the XCloner plugin to make a… Continue Reading →
There are thousands of WordPress plugins out there. What follows is a list of plugins with which I have personally had good experiences: Broken Links — Broken Link Checker automatically checks and reports broken links. To Do List — Cleaverness… Continue Reading →
Have you ever had an Excel spreadsheet full of web addresses that were not clickable? Pressing F2 and ENTER is good enough when you only have a few, but when you have dozens, hundreds or even thousands, this can become… Continue Reading →
Did You Know? You can tell Google to only search a specific web site by entering your search text in the following format: your keywords to find[a space]site:www.thesitename.tld Bonus Google Tip #1 Want to see which pages on your website have been… Continue Reading →
Need to make a good impression when sending out an important email? Send it to yourself first to see what it will look like. Many people don’t realize that some email programs, like Microsoft Outlook, are notorious for sending out… Continue Reading →
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